Monday 28 September 2009


Wow, okay have left this for a while- sorry t'has been a few late nights were I'm thinking 'shall I go write in my blog? Nah... I'll do it in the morning' but by then I forget.

So yeah I've met some more people on my course, and become quite good friends with one, Richard, which is great, I'm really happy about that (obviously).

We (as an apartment) have made quite a few people who like to pop over for a while which is really lovely and everyone keeps describing us as 'a lovely little flat with a great atmosphere' which we're all thrilled about.

We went to a nightclub the other day, thinking it was going to be great- the dance floor and flashing squares, but her ended up paying £7 on the door, and then Jenny got a drink costing around £7 and I ordered a shot for £3.28.

The place was tiny, and the music was pants so we decided to leave and go home (wow... Already I've been referring to this place a 'home' but quickly correct myself and say 'the apartment'..) where we had alcohol and ordered LOADS of food, and played a load of cheesy songs from Jenny's IPOD- t'was a good night, and again didn't get to bed until about 5am.

We always seem to go to bed later when we stay in than when we go out, it's strange.

So, today, Chloe and I spent all morning looking for this Gym we heard was at the top of Steep Hill, that was reasonably priced, so we were looking around for about half and hour and couldn't find it and eventually asked Tourist information, who said that it was 20mins straight down this road.

It wasn't.

We went down the road, for about and hour and still couldn't find it- I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist! ¬_¬

My first lecture is tomorrow on 'Mind and Body' and I'm really nervous. I'm sure I'll be okay, but that doesn't stop me worrying.

Wish me luck! =D

1 comment:

  1. Nice to know you've settled down. Don't enjoy too much.. It's okey once in a while.. Good Luck for your first lecture on "Mind and Body".
    Regards to Richard, ahah.....
